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What Trusted sitters are saying...

San Francisco

Trusted offers the most flexible, rewarding, and most importantly safe babysitting jobs I could ever think of. I was blown away by how much they cared for me, the sitter, in addition to the families they provided for.

See full review on Quora

San Francisco

Over all, I love being a sitter with Trusted.  I have connected with some amazing families, and I can't imagine a job that gives me more flexibility as a full time student.  I would not hesitate to recommend it to both parents and providers...and I do, frequently! 

See full review on Quora

San Francisco

I love that I am able to make my own schedule. I don't have to be available every weekend, only when I want to be. This means when I have a lot of assignments to do for my nursing courses, I can keep my schedule free. Or I can add as much availability as I want!

See full review on Quora

Focus on delivering amazing child care

Trusted makes getting discovered, connected, and scheduled with wonderful families convenient and hassle-free.

Great Families

We find great families for our providers. After each completed booking our providers have the opportunity to rate and review the family.

Flexible Schedule

We enable our providers to choose when and how long they work. They provide us with their available time blocks and we will fill them.

Best Foot Forward

We do the work for our providers. We take their picture, record their video, and create their provider profile.

Stay Connected

Our provider app keeps our providers in touch with families and the Trusted support team. It offers child care pointers and helps them stay on top of their availability schedule.


Our providers never wonder if, when, or how they’ll get paid. We direct deposit their pay biweekly.

24/7 Support

Our providers are never alone. We provide 24/7 support should any issues or questions arise. They can call, text, email, or Slack us at any time.

W-2 Employed

Become a Trusted employee and have the full support of the backoffice team.


Our providers are covered by Trusted’s General Liability Insurance

Tuition fees paid for

Our providers can get reimbursed for up to $5,250 per calendar year of their college tuition.Read more about our Tuition Program

Trusted child care provider must haves

Trusted providers have a passion for providing amazing child care. They are personable, reliable, and consistently go above and beyond.

  • Have 3 or more years of child care experience
  • Be a minimum of 18 years old and eligible to work in the U.S.
  • Pass a background, DMV, and reference check

Refer your nanny or caregiver



Submit information about your caregiver


Review & Interview

We will review your caregiver’s information and interview your caregiver


Get Credits

If the caregiver you’ve recommended gets hired, and completes ten 5-star bookings, you will get $200 in Trusted credits.

Refer Now